Plastic Injection Moulding or Vacuum Forming: Which is right for me?

There are two main moulding methods when it comes to plastic moulded products: plastic injection moulding and vacuum forming.

As experts in plastic injection moulding and vacuum forming in Yorkshire, our team at Plas-Tech is well-equipped to help you with your project, whichever method you choose. 

When deciding on which method is best for you and your business, it’s important to know what the processes involve and the differences between the two.

What is Plastic Injection Moulding?

Plastic injection moulding is the process of injecting molten plastic created from small pellets, into a pre-designed mould in order to create a plastic moulded product. By injecting molten plastic into a mould at high pressure, the plastic is forced to fill in any gaps and create the shape of the mould design. Once the plastic has then cooled and solidified, the mould is opened, and the plastic-injected products are removed from the moulding machine.

Plastic Injection Moulding Specialists, Bespoke Injection Moulding Hull

What is Plastic Injection Moulding used for?

Plastic injection moulding is used for products across many varied industries, including:

  • Automotive Parts. Including dashboards, door panels, and bumpers.
  • Consumer Goods. Including toys, electronics, and appliances.
  • Medical Devices. Including syringes, catheters, and surgical instruments.
  • Electronic Components. Including buttons, switches, and internal components.
  • Packaging. Including containers, and lids.

The Benefits of Plastic Injection Moulding

Precise & Consistent. Produces identical parts with minimal variations, ideal for applications requiring exact fits and intricate details.

Complex designs. Moulds can be customised to create complex shapes and integrate various features into a single part.

High-volume production. Plastic injection moulding is so widely used, as allows a large number of products to be created in a small period of time, making it ideal for industries where product demand is extremely high. This efficiency also makes it more cost-effective for long production runs. 

Minimal waste. Modern processes minimise leftover plastic, promoting sustainability.

Reduced finishing. Injection moulded parts often require minimal finishing due to the detailed nature of the moulds.

Wide range of materials. A variety of plastic resins are available to suit different product needs.

What is Vacuum Forming?

Vacuum forming, also known as thermoforming, is a process in which thermoplastic is stretched over a mould in a vac forming machine and is melted. Once at the temperature, the mould is raised into the plastic and any excess air is vacuumed out. The thermoplastic forms the shape of the mould through the vacuum process and as the sheet cools, it forms a hard shape, which is then trimmed to achieve the final product.

Vacuum moulding can create a variety of designs and styles, including:

  • Automotive Parts. Dashboards, bumpers, headlight covers, etc.
  • Outdoor Equipment. Used for durable, weather-resistant outdoor equipment, such as wheelbarrows, seed trays, lawn mower covers, polycarbonate greenhouses, etc.
  • Household Goods. Including plastic bathtubs, fridge trays, and cooking utensils.

If you want to know more about our vacuum forming process, click here to visit our sister site.

Which is best for me?

Each method of producing plastic-formed products has advantages for different uses. For larger projects with higher volumes of plastic, plastic injection moulding is often more suitable and can work out cheaper. Since plastic injection moulding requires less finishing, it is also a quicker and easier way to achieve a final product. If you’re looking for a method that is more precise for a project that requires more detail, then plastic injection mould would be preferable.

Partnering with Plas-Tech for Injection Moulding

At Plas-Tech Injection Moulding, we have a team of experts to provide all the assistance you require with your injection moulding requirements. At our state-of-the-art facility in East Yorkshire, we have the necessary equipment to meet the demands of your business.

If you’re looking to partner with a leading injection moulding manufacturer in the UK, get in touch with our team today.